Feeling alive again
For the last 4 weeks, I have been doing something special. Not buying special items or going to special places to fulfill my wanderlust, but simply working on myself, my body and my mind.
The results are amazing. So I want to share here what I have done so maybe that will save you a lot of money and years of self-discovery.
I had a very unhealthy lifestyle
In 2017–2018 I now realized I had a very unhealthy lifestyle. I was working from 8 am to 11 pm, sometimes 1 am with no stops aside from going to smoke a cigarette and drink a coffee outside.
I had spent so much money traveling from country to country, to Egypt, to California, to Burning Man. Just to realize now I was just trying to escape my unhealthy daily lifestyle in my own house and city.
I have spent so much time escaping my stress by going out, networking with people I didn’t really need to and doing random projects to keep me so “busy” that I needed 2 assistant at some points to manage my schedule and answer my Linkedin & Facebook messages because I was trying to escape what was truly important to face: my mind, my body, my discipline.
Some attempts and lots of failures
My best friend tried to bring me to his gym in 2018, I went there 2 times per week for 3 months. Even tho my best friend was pushing hard and inspiring me with his perfect abs and strength that I wanted too, aiming to go to the Spartan race together after the spartan race ended, the gym was far so I stopped going there.
Several attempts to do sport myself at home lasted 1 week, 2 weeks then I was starting to order shits on Foodpanda and becoming lazy at night and watch Netflix late, then sleeping late, then waking up at 9 am in the rush to go to the office.
I have lived probably 300 days like this in 2019, which on top of the stress I had as CEO of a 100 people company dragged me down and made me feel I was always starting my day late, on the wrong foot and stressed to not achieving everything I wanted that week.
I got so stressed and burned out from this lifestyle that I got excess on both hands and after several hospital checks, the doctor told me this was exclusively due to my stress. I decided to work less, do less and take better care of myself by giving me personal time.
Wasn’t successful as I ended up being lazier, watch long-ass documentaries home, order Foodpanda & going out a lot.
This episode lasted until October 2019 where I decided to move to a new place, closer to a park and my office. As a Feng shui trigger, a new life was configured to be starting soon.
The 533 method
During the last 4 weeks, I have been testing a method. And I feel so fucking good, productive and accomplished with this that it might be the thing that works for me.
Recently I order myself with this discipline which consists of:
-Waking up at 5 am, do something intellectual (writing my book/ or a big pending task — I call it “Make Time”)
-Cooking your own food 5x per week to eat slowly, less, and better. Also, use this time to meditate problems and solutions of your day.
-Doing 100 pull-ups/abs within 1h. The number doesn’t really matter, the goal is to feel sore and do more than what you were able to achieve last year.
-Doing this setup 3 times per week at least. Game is long term discipline – grit – not to burn yourself out.
After each session doing this, I basically end up at 8 am/9 am feeling so accomplished intellectually and with more abs and stronger than when I was 18, virgin, fresh and clean, doing 3 different sports per week.
The beauty of this is that you start your day feeling you already done what was important for your work or your life accomplishment (from 5 am to 7 am). Then the rest is really about taking care of your body and mind (running in the park/doing sport for 1h 7–8 am), then finishing on a 10 mins meditation session in the grass of the park listing what is your key agenda you checked this morning and what else you want to achieve tomorrow.
This method is really fulfilling, not too hard as I do it 3 times per week max so I feel like going like this for a while. Hence I have these tricks to do to myself that kept me going last 4 weeks (and hopefully will help you going as well):
-I give myself 1–2 cheats days during the week to wake up late the next day after a string day of full workout/make time.
-I rule myself to drink with friends once a week — but not up to the drunk stage -so I don’t become one of these a-social vegans not going out guy.
-I can eat shits 1 day per week if in exchange I commit myself to do morning fasting for the next 3 following days.
During the new year, while everyone was partying, I spent 2 weeks of retreat thinking on what operating system I should be rolling in 2020 and next decades. I feel like now I grasp my life completely and I’m achieving what I have to achieve. I’m launching a fund by the end of next year, writing a book which is the thesis of this fund to be released next month. Plus I am daily developing & coaching 4 sustainable and life-changing businesses (GetLinks, Adaptivity & others) that I invested my time and money on. Now that my body and mind seem set and rolling, I think my bank account shall be set and rolling too.
This is why for this Lunar new year I wish you a lot of resilience, caring, shared prosperity, and superpowers for this epic new year 2020 & the decade ahead!