The movie that predicted 2020, and that everyone has forgotten.
Have you ever heard about climate change, a global pandemic, millions of death from an invisible respiratory disease coming from animals, people forced to stay home in quarantine or wearing masks, and the quest for seeking vaccines?
It Was On Earth That I Knew Joy is a 35-minute science fiction film directed by Jean-Baptiste de Laubier and produced by the French clothing label Sixpack France. The film was presented on February 20, 2010, at SCION Installation, Los Angeles, and released online on March 3, 2010.
The scene takes place in an unknown location, in 2090, where a robot is asking to retrieve the archived memories of a human who lived in 2009 and ask him about how the global pandemic started…
I was looking for a completely unrelated website when Google chrome unexpectedly suggested this Vimeo URL that I did not open for the past 10 years, literally.
I remember this movie influenced my vision of life deeply, but I didn’t remember any of the synopsis, so I thought I would give it a glimpse 10 years later.
I have been shocked for the past hours by how close this movie is to the reality we are living in today, in 2021, in the midst of a global pandemic and 6th life planetary extinction by the human activity’s induced climate change.
Does this movie have something magic? Will I be the main character of this movie and is it my future? The plot might really be your future too, that is why I write this blog and recommend to my friends to watch It Was On Earth That I Knew Joy, the movie that predicted 2020, and that everyone has forgotten.
Key quotes of that movie that influenced my life:
“Some fishermen from China that got in contact with these fishes came back home coughing blood.”
“I knew it was our last time together, she was like a child with no past and no future.”
“I was Homo sapiens sapiens. I liked walking and liked myself as a walker.”
“The relationship between memory and time defines identity.”
With love, from Shinjuku, Djoann.